Monday, September 30, 2019

Isaac Newton

Imagine a world with no concept of gravity, a world that knows not what forces affect a moving body, a world that does not understand the science affecting light and a world without calculus.   Imagine a world without one of its greatest minds, Sir Isaac Newton.   Sir Isaac Newton is neither a mathematician nor a scientist, he is neither an astronomer nor a chemist, he is all of these compressed into one genius. His works have greatly contributed to the advancement of the sciences and civilized society as a whole.   Present day natural and chemical sciences including mathematics will not be the same without his ideas.   To pay homage to a man this great, let us study his life and his legacies, let us delve into his mind, view his past, learn a little about his childhood and make sure that he is not forgotten in the annals of history. Isaac Newton was born prematurely on Christmas day 1642 (4 January 1643, Gregorian calendar) in Woolsthorpe in Lincolnshire. He came from a family of farmers but never knew his father, also named Isaac Newton, who died in October 1642, three months before his son was born.   When he was barely three years old Newton's mother, Hanna Ayscough placed her first born with his grandmother Margery Ayscough at Woolsthorpe in order to remarry and raise a second family with Barnabas Smith, a wealthy minister from nearby North Witham (Hatch, 2002). Basically treated as an orphan, Isaac did not have a happy childhood, he felt very bitter towards his mother and his step-father Barnabas Smith, proof of which he wrote as among his sins at age nineteen:- Threatening my father and mother Smith to burn them and the house over them. Isaac began attending the Free Grammar School in Grantham but shown little promise in academic work.. His mother thought that her eldest son was the right person to manage her affairs and her estate so Isaac was taken away from school but fortunately showed that he had no talent or interest in managing an estate. Isaac was allowed to return to the Free Grammar School in Grantham in 1660 to complete his school education and entered his uncle's old College, Trinity College Cambridge, on 5 June 1661. Newton's aim at Cambridge was a law degree but nevertheless Newton studied the philosophy of Descartes, Gassendi, Hobbes, and in particular Boyle. The mechanics of the Copernican astronomy of Galileo attracted him and he also studied Kepler's Optics. He recorded his thoughts in a book which he entitled Quaestiones Quaedam Philosophicae (Certain Philosophical Questions) (Robertson, 2000). In 1665 Newton took his bachelor's degree at Cambridge without honors or distinction. The university closed for the next two years because of plague so Newton returned to Woolsthorpe in midyear. There, in the following 18 months, he made a series of original contributions to science.   He himself admitted that All this was in the two plague years of 1665 and 1666, for in those days I was in my prime of age for invention, and minded mathematics and philosophy more than at any time since. In mathematics Newton conceived his ‘method of fluxions' (infinitesimal calculus), laid the foundations for his theory of light and color, and achieved significant insight into the problem of planetary motion, insights that eventually led to the publication of his Principia (1687). There, in a period of less than two years, while Newton was still under 25 years old, he began revolutionary advances in mathematics, optics, physics, and astronomy (Hatch, 2002). In April 1667, Newton returned to Cambridge and was elected a minor fellow at Trinity. In the next year he became a senior fellow upon taking his master of arts degree, and in 1669 he succeeded Isaac Barrow as Lucasian Professor of Mathematics. From this point until 1678, Newton published two papers which according to Robert Hooke were plagiarized and were taken from his research, this led to several arguments between the two but as history would have it, society favored the older more brittle Robert Hooke.   In 1678, the blow of this controversy caused Newton to suffer a serious breakdown and the year immediately after, his mother died.   These past events took its toll on Newton, he cut off himself from others and started to engross himself in alchemical research. In 1687, with the support of his friend the astronomer Edmond Halley, Newton published his single greatest work, the ‘Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica' (‘Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy'). This literature showed how a universal force, gravity, applied to all objects in all parts of the universe (Hatch, 2002). In 1689, Newton was elected MP for Cambridge University and eventually was appointed warden of the Royal Mint, settling in London in 1696. He took his duties at the Mint very seriously and campaigned against corruption and inefficiency within the organization. In 1703, he was elected president of the Royal Society, an office he held until his death. He was knighted in 1705. By the early 1700s Newton was the dominant figure in British and European science. He died on March 20, 1727 (31 March, Gregorian) in London, England and was buried in Westminster Abbey ( After his burial, he was exhumed so he could be buried in a more prominent location in Westminster Abbey and in this process it was discovered that Newton had large amounts of mercury in his body, probably as a direct result of his alchemical experiments. Exposure to large amounts of mercury may explain Newton’s eccentricity in his latter years, as well as his cause of death (Conservapedia, 2007). Newton’s contributions to the sciences involve the fields of optics, mathematics, mechanics, gravitation, chemistry and alchemy. In the field of Optics, he discovered measurable, mathematical patterns in the phenomenon of color.   He found â€Å"white light to be a mixture of infinitely varied colored rays (manifest in the rainbow and the spectrum), each ray definable by the angle through which it is refracted on entering or leaving a given transparent medium†(Hall). He correlated this notion with his study of the interference colors of thin films using a simple technique of extreme acuity to measure the thickness of such films. He held that light consisted of streams of minute particles. From his experiments he could infer the magnitudes of the transparent â€Å"corpuscles† forming the surfaces of bodies, which, according to their dimensions, so interacted with white light as to reflect, selectively, the different observed colors of those surfaces (Hall). In Mathematics, Newton made contributions to all its branches, but is especially famous for his solutions to the contemporary problems in analytical geometry of drawing tangents to curves (differentiation) and defining areas bounded by curves (integration). Not only did Newton discover that these problems were inverse to each other, but he discovered general methods of resolving problems of curvature, embraced in his â€Å"method of fluxions† and â€Å"inverse method of fluxions† which is later known as calculus (BuddenbrooksInc). In the field of mechanics and gravitation, Newton published his greatest work the Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica (Principia) – arguably the greatest scientific book ever written.   The Principia, composed of several volumes, states the foundations of the science of mechanics, developing upon them the mathematics of orbital motion round centers of force.   A volume discussed the theory of fluids: Newton solves problems of fluids in movement and of motion through fluids. From the density of air he calculated the speed of sound waves.   Another volume showed the law of gravitation at work in the universe: Newton demonstrates it from the revolutions of the six known planets, including the Earth, and their satellites. However, he could never quite perfect the difficult theory of the Moon's motion. Comets were shown to obey the same law In later editions, Newton added conjectures on the possibility of their return. He calculated the relative masses of heavenly bodies from their gravitational forces, and the oblateness of Earth and Jupiter, already observed. He explained tidal ebb and flow and the precession of the equinoxes from the forces exerted by the Sun and Moon. All this was done by exact computation (Hall). Despite his genius, Newton was a complicated man.   He would suffer emotional breakdowns and would engage other scientists in arguments, he would also cut himself off from the rest of the world and go into seclusion. The world has also seen, during his fight with Leibniz, what great lengths he would employ to come out on top.   These small things may be attributed to the fact that at some points in his life the world seemed to act in consonance and revolted against him, however, neither criticism nor accusations could suppress his genius.   All throughout his life, he kept his secret weapon – he had an incomparable passion for learning. REFERENCES Isaac Newton. Retrieved December 8, 2007, from BuddenbrooksInc. Sir Isaac Newton's Invention of the Calculus Fluxions and Infinite Series–The Important First Edition. Retrieved December 8, 2007, from Conservapedia (2007, November 8). Isaac Newton. Retrieved December 8, 2007, from Hall, Alfred Rupert. Isaac Newton’s Life. Retrieved December 8, 2007, from Hatch, Robert (2002). Isaac Newton.   Retrieved, December 8, 2007, from Robertson, E.F. and J. J. O’Connor (2000 January). Sir Isaac Newton. Retrieved December 8, 2007, from The Newton Project. Newton’s Life and Work at a Glance. Retrieved December 8, 2007, from         

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Relationship Between Job Satisfaction and Employee Turnover Rate

The Relationship Between Job Satisfaction and Employee Turnover Rate Introduction Adelphoi Village is a private, non- profit company that provide community based services to children and adolescents in the Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland and West Virginia area. Adelphoi Village provides programs and services that strive to guide each youth on a path that will provide meaning, purpose and value in his/her life. Founded in 1971, Adelphoi Village has expanded to serve over 800 youth in 60 different counties.Adelphoi Village conduct several different services which includes, group homes, foster/adoptive services, charter school, multisystemic therapy, education services, diagnostic, in-home services, specialized independent living, secure care, mental health programs and other services that overlap to form a complete continuum of care for children, youth, and families. One of the departments under Adelphoi Village’s umbrella is its Multisystemic Therapy (MST) program.The MST prog ram provides intensive in- home family therapy to youth who are involved with Department of Juvenile Justice or Child Protective Services. The MST therapist strive to empower the parents with the skills and resources needed to become independent in addressing the difficulties that arise in raising adolescents, and to assist the youth in developing life-long coping skills. In the MST program families receive in home therapy 2 to 3 times a week for two hours each session. The therapist carries a caseload of 4 to 6 families and is on call for the families 24/7.I have been working for Adelphoi Village’s MST York program as a MST therapist since July 2012. The Adelphoi Village MST York team consists of one supervisor and four therapists. The MST York team covers the entire York County, PA area. In order for the company to be at the maximum number for productivity the MST program needs to be fully staffed. Adelphoi Villages MST York program therapist does not only perform the deman ding duties of MST, but also performs several other demanding duties making the job very intensive and unbearable.Due to the intensiveness of the job this program has had and continues to have a very high turnover rate which could be due to the employees being over worked and underpaid. Employees are dissatisfied with their job which causes them to leave and search for other employment. Before I started with this company the MST York team was down one therapist for about a year. Before then the team was down two therapists for about two and a half years. Currently we are looking to hire two new therapists to start working with the team.There have been 10 interviews set up; however, only 3 people have decided to interview with the company. Others have stated that they changed their mind about working for the company because the job is too demanding and lacks the pay that they are looking to obtain. Problem Statement Adelphoi Village’s MST program experiences a high turnover ra te each year. For the MST York team it is very hard to keep the team at full capacity due to the dissatisfaction of their employees. Employees’ needs are not being met and they are being overworked with lack of appreciation, low pay, and low incentives.This paper will examine the relationship between job satisfaction and employee turnover. This paper will identify the causes of employee turnover and how it relates to job satisfaction. This paper will also identify examples on how the company could increase job satisfaction for their employees, thus decreasing employee turnover. Literature Review Wang, Wang, and Yang (2012) conducted a research study comparing public and private employees’ job satisfaction and turnover in Taiwan.The population consisted of 500 employees in the public sector and 500 employees in the private sector. Questionnaires were used to collect data from employees of various private enterprises and public organizations. The results showed that the job satisfaction and turnover intentions of public employees are different from those of private employees (Wang, Wang, and Yang 2012). Researchers found that public employees in Taiwan have lower extrinsic job satisfaction and lower turnover intentions compared to their counterparts in the private sector.Wang, Wang, and Yang (2012) reported that job satisfaction is found to be negatively associated with turnover intentions. When employees are dissatisfied, they think more of quitting their jobs. Dissatisfaction may stimulate from lack of pay, lack of job security, lack of incentives, and lack of appreciation. If those who are dissatisfied continue to stay on in their jobs, their low work motivation will decrease the overall performance of the organization (Wang, Wang, and Yang 2012).Lanham, Rye, Rimsky, and Weill (2012) conducted a study on how gratitude relates to burnout and job satisfaction in mental health professionals. Sixty-five mental health professionals including; counsel ors, case managers, clinical administrators/supervisors, employment/housing specialists, social workers, and psychologists completed questionnaires assessing demographics, job context variables, hope, gratitude, burnout, and job satisfaction. Lanham, Rye, Rimsky and Weill (2012) stated that mental health professionals are at high risk of burnout and turnover.Burnout which results from persistent work stress, involves emotional exhaustion (mental strain attributed to job Stressors), depersonalization (mentally distancing oneself and adopting a more impersonal view of other people), and decreased sense of personal accomplishment. Burnout can adversely affect both personal health and organizational functioning (Lanham, Rye, Rimsky and Weill 2012). Another positive psychology construct that may affect burnout is gratitude, which involves being aware of and appreciating good things that happen and taking the time to express thanks (Lanham, Rye, Rimsky and Weill 2012).There are several re asons why gratitude might relate to less burnout and higher job satisfaction among mental health professionals. Gratitude motivates pro-social behavior and corporate social responsibility. Lanham, Rye, Rimsky and Weill (2012) stated that since so many factors contribute to burnout and workplace satisfaction, agency administrators need to examine the extent to which agency policies contribute to employee burnout and job dissatisfaction. Huning and Thomson (2011) conducted a study on an empirical examination of the impact of performance attributions and job satisfaction on turnover intentions.Participants consisted of 363 graduate and undergraduate students. Participants completed a survey related to attributes, job satisfaction, and turnover intentions. Results show that job satisfaction mediates between causality attributions, stability attributions, and turnover intentions. Job satisfaction has been defined as a pleasurable emotional state the results from the appraisal of one's jo b (Locke 1976). Job satisfaction describes an affective reaction to one's job as well as attitudes toward the job.This in turn suggests that job satisfaction is formed from affect, cognition, and ultimately will result in satisfaction contingent job-related behaviors (Huning and Thomson 2011). Huning and Thomas (2011) found that job satisfaction is the central variable in among the central theoretical and empirical contributions in employee turnover. Lambert, Hogan and Barton (2001) conducted a study on the impact of job satisfaction on turnover intent: a test of a structural measurement model using a national sample of workers.Based upon the literature, a structural measurement model incorporating four core antecedents of turnover (i. e. , demographic characteristics, work environment, job satisfaction, and turnover intent) was developed and tested using a national sample of American workers. The results indicate that the work environment is more important in shaping worker job sat isfaction than are demographic characteristics, and that job satisfaction is a highly salient antecedent of turnover intent. Finally, job satisfaction is a key mediating variable between the work environment and turnover intent (Lambert, Hogan and Barton 2001).Camp (1993) conducted a study on Assessing the Effects of Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction on Turnover: An Event History Approach. Camp examined two types of subjective measurement of the work environment, job satisfaction and organizational commitment, which are often thought to be related to turnover. Camp (1993) found that organizational comm itment, as measured by both commitment to the overall organization and the more specific institution, is inversely related to turnover among correctional workers at the Federal Bureau of Prisons.Analysis Job satisfaction and turnover have a strong correlational relationship. Turnover is the ratio of employees leaving jobs with a company as a percentage of total employees in the organization. Job satisfaction is commonly linked to turnover ratios. Employees who are generally satisfied at work tend to stay, while dissatisfied employees often look for other work. Many factors affect the level of satisfaction among employees. Pay is noted as a key factor to job satisfaction (Kokemuller 2010).Other factors that affect job satisfaction include; job security, appreciation, work conditions, co- workers and supervisor support, and gratitude. It is noted that as job satisfaction increases, absenteeism tends to go down, and as job satisfaction decreases, absenteeism often goes up (Schermerhorn 5). Taking care of job satisfaction today can be considered an investment in tomorrow’s performance potential (Schermerhorn 12). Solutions There are many ways that employees as well as the administrative staff can increase job satisfaction to avoid turnover.One of the most tangible things that employees can do to increase job satisfaction is to get organized. Mana ging your workload efficiently can help increase job satisfaction. When you become organized it can create a since of relief in your everyday work load. Another way employees can increase personal job satisfaction is to develop an optimistic point of view and change negative self talk patterns. This will assist employees with viewing things in a more positive light. Employees can also reward and recognize self for doing a wonderful job.Many jobs fail to recognize employees for doing a great job; employees can treat themselves to a movie or to a spa, to recognize the fact that they are making a wonderful impact on their company. Administrative staff can also begin to incorporate rewards and recognition into daily practices. When employees feel recognized and appreciated by the administrative staff if creates a since of belonging and willingness for employees to do their best in carrying out their jobs. Companies could also offer employees flexible work schedules and better pay.Easing an employer's work schedule can reduce job loss and keep training costs down. Offering employees better pay could also reduce job loss. Companies could also begin to encourage open communication between management and staff. For example, management could install a comment box in the lobby of the office for employees to drop in written feedback so that an understanding of why employees feel dissatisfied could be communicated between management and staff. Reflection In completing this paper I have learned how job dissatisfaction relates to turnover rate and burnout in employees.I have learned and understood the factors that lead to job dissatisfaction and how to create personal job satisfaction. I recently decided to leave Adelphoi Village and obtain employment with another company. Although I am doing similar work, I have decided to work with a different company that offered my better pay and more stability. I understand that in my line of work as a therapist that there is a high jo b burnout and turnover rate in this field. I have to use what I have learned in completing this paper and in class to create personal job satisfaction.Positive self talk, self recognition, and self reward are some of the ways I can continue to create personal job satisfaction which in turn will lower my burnout and turnover rate. Reference: Camp, S. (1993) Assessing the Effects of Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction on Turnover: An Event History Approach. The Prison Journal, 74(3), 279-305. Huning, T. , Thomson, N. (2011) An Empirical Examination of the Impact of Performance Attributions and Job Satisfaction on Turnover Intentions.Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications and Conflict, 15(1) Kokemuller, N. (2010) Job Satisfaction and Turnover. Retrieved on October 14, 2012 from http://www. ehow. com/info_7746396_job-satisfaction-turnover. html Lambert, E. , Hogan, N. , Barton, S. (2001) The Impact of Job Satisfaction on Turnover Intent: A Test of a Structural Meas urement Model Using a National Sample of Workers. The Social Science Journal. Lanham, M. , Rye, M. , Rimsky, L. , Weill, S. (2012) How Gratitude Relates to Burnout and Job Satisfaction in Mental Health Professionals.Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 34(4), 341-354 Locke, 1976 cited in Brief, A. P. , ;amp; Weiss, H. M. (2001). Organizational behavior: affect in the workplace. Annual Review of Psychology, 53, 279-307, p. 282 Schermerhorn, John R.. Organizational Behavior, 12th Edition. John Wiley ;amp; Sons, 11/2011. ;lt;vbk:9781118426319#outline(1. 5. 3. 2);gt;. Wang, Y. , Wang, K. , Yang, C. (2012). Comparing Public and Private Employees’ Job Satisfaction and Turnover. Journal of Public Personnel Management, 41(3), 557-573.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Mr. David O’Brien

I will look at the key aspects that are present in the piece and how they relate to the question asked and the reliability of the source provided. The three aspects that I will look for are the evidence of economic pressure and how this drove people to fight against the poor law and rebel against the middle class and the oligarchs from 1838. The political movement within Chartism that spawned the general convention as well as the formation of the national charter association, and eventually put forward the petition in 1842. And the cultural community that was very inclusive for its time, letting people from outside England and also other ethnicities like William Cuffay have as much of a say as anyone else within the movement. I will then conclude by choosing what I think is the main catalyst for support. Part 2 What evidence is there in the extract above of the three explanations for Chartism’s support that you learned about in the chapter, and which, if any, is stressed most strongly by the speaker? In this essay I will show evidence from the speech provided, of economic pressure, political movement as well as the inclusive cultural community present within the Chartist Movement that helped Chartism gain a following, and reference other sources to support my discussion. And explain which aspect I think the speaker emphasises more strongly than the others. The primary source provided is the speech that was said on July 6, 1839, and was heard by as many as 12,000 people. It was taken from a report in the Northern Star a Chartist publication. I don’t believe this source to be particularly reliable due to the absence of the speaker’s name and that it is from another article. Certain things could be elaborated due to the bias nature of the publication. The speaker makes many references to the economic conditions of the times. One of the most important â€Å"These evils chiefly of a political and social cast arise from one source class legislation†. Class legislation refers to the laws that chartist’s thought were put in place to defend the rich. One of these laws was the â€Å"poor law†. This law enacted in 1834 by parliament, tried to push the able bodied poor into workhouses to receive money and aid from the government if they were unemployed. These workhouses would provide lodging and food but had a social stigma attached to them. This was not popular among the chartists or the general population alike. Another extract highlights the hard life of the working class during the economic down turn â€Å"while destruction in horrid form stalks though street, lane and thoroughfare, in all its sickening outlines, all of its appalling aggravations, all its emaciated frames, its haggard features, its ragged clothing, its insufficiency of food, its skeleton like, ghastly aspect, followed in the rear by heart rendering cries insufferable despair, the bursting heart, the muffle voice of burning inward madness, the infuriated rage of desperation, the sad habiliments of mourning, and the toll of the death-bell over the famish victim of monopoly, closes the scene† This is in contrast to the lifestyle of the Clergy, Aristocracy and the middle classes of the period. As many working class men we not allowed to vote, had laws passed that directly affected them whilst living in conditions that were abysmal made for strong resentment. The speaker adds â€Å"with this nation suffering its liberty and rights to be remorselessly trampled upon by murderous factions, jobbers and commercial blood sucking vampires, the rich unnaturally elevated above the proper spheres of the mortal man, the poor crushed beneath the alpine mountain weight of taxation, misrule and oppression†. Adding to this resentment was the â€Å"Peterloo massacre† where Chartist’s died at the hands of British Army cavalry during a protest. Going back to other comments made by the speaker â€Å"Honourable gentlemen, I mean by this name the working class only† Highlighting the feeling between the working class and other casts, as very much divided. Extreme conditions and inequality existed throughout economic downturn and from 1837 to 1842 Britain was experiencing a sharp recession. 1839 was a â€Å"year of mass meetings† and there was a common ground among working class males that the idea of universal suffrage should be implemented, as they did not feel adequately represented in parliament. There is a strong political message for reform. Swell the numbers of the patriot throng which have sworn by him that liveth for ever, that they will have the peoples charter, or they will die in the struggle. (Bravo, and We will)† The movement formed a more organise d front just after this speech on 20 July 1840 with the formation of the National Charter Association (NSA). Braches organised meetings and distributed free press. Mass meeting like this speech and the NSA were pivotal in the creation of the second charter that was signed by 3,317,752 people supporting Universal suffrage and other points mentioned in the charter. The Chartist Movement was very inclusive, as at this time racism and discrimination were rife. Some examples of this in the higher leadership are Fergus O’Connor an Irishman of noble standing and William Cuffay the son of a freed black slave and well as being born with a deformed lower back and leg. â€Å"Mr Chairman and fellow working men, brethren of the human race†, an example of the camaraderie of the working class as a whole. The economic conditions and lack of representation are the main points in this speech. They led to the common support of the chartist cause, as support would increase in times of economic difficulty. Chartist’s adapted to create a political movement out of which, they had a voice. I conclude that Chartism was the catalyst for change and one of the main reasons we live in a democratic society today.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Pipeline Should not be built Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Pipeline Should not be built - Essay Example emission, such as emission of carbon dioxide gas, and notes that these effects could have effects on whether the Keystone XL pipeline is constructed or not. It offers a basis for opposing the pipeline building by identifying harm that the pipeline can cause on the environment through increasing greenhouse gas emission. The article explains potential effects of Keystone XL construction on the environment and also extends to other scopes of the construction such as review of the project, process of presidential approval, objective of the construction, transportation of oil in the nation, and alternatives to pipeline. Its identified risks of the pipeline construction explains possible adverse effects of the construction and adds to the opposing views. The author explains safety of the proposed pipeline construction and assumes the position that approval of pipeline will not have adverse effects on people. it offers direct support to the construction. The author reports on and analyzes data opinions on presidential approval application for construction of the CanadaPipeline. It however assumes a neutral approach and allows for critical analysis of popularity and associated risks of the proposed pipeline. TransCanada Pipeline is a system of pipelines that facilitate transportation of gas in Canada. The pipeline system is specially designed to withstand pressure and has as thick as diameters of more than one peters. The system is widely spread through Canada and the organization that manages the pipeline, TransCanada Corp, has applied for permit to extend its system of pipelines into the United States. The application is currently waiting for the presidential approval after which operations can commence after two years. The decision on whether to approve the pipeline corporation or not has been a subject of speculation with some opinions supporting its approval while others have disapproved of it. This paper argues that he pipeline corporation should not be approved

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Weimar and the Rise of the Nazi Party Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Weimar and the Rise of the Nazi Party - Essay Example Although political revolution changed following the abolishment of monarchy, Nicholls (2000:62) notes that administrative structures of the previous authoritarian government remained unchanged. According to Nicholls (2000:65), Weimar republic government retained a large proportion of civil servants and judicial personnel from the previous administration. Retention of these civil servants hindered implementation of the new government’s policies. The country’s judicial system was conservative and nationalistic, which resulted to biasness in passing judgments to the various antagonizing parties in the country (Davidson, 1978:42). For instance, the courts heavily punished left wing rivals, while right wing enemies such as Hitler were handed light sentences (Nicholls, 2000: 72). In the education sector, officials with strong dislike to democratic reforms were allowed to retain their duties, where they â€Å"indoctrinated students with dictatorial and nationalist ideologiesà ¢â‚¬  (Kershaw, 1998: 19). Lack of cooperative administrative institutions encouraged the country’s industrialists to develop significant influence and power, which eventually toppled the Weimar republic. The military in the Weimar republic was highly autonomous and since it was one of the major institutions responsible for protecting the country against aggression, the government was compelled to make policies favourable to the force, creating further instability (Davidson, 1978:57). The autonomy in the military resulted in formation of private armies, such as Freikorps which undermined sustenance of stable and peaceful political environment. According to Davidson (1978), citizens inclined to democratic governance were violently suppressed by private security agencies. The apparent failure of the Weimar republic to discipline and take control of these security agencies exposed the public to threats and intimidation, which eventually undermined sustainable development of dem ocratic government in Germany. Moreover, formation of many political parties necessitated formation of coalition government which made it more difficult to manage and run a successful government (Kershaw 1998:94) Several key events took place from 1918 to 1924. In October 1918, the military government handed power to civilians. In the following year, internal revolutions, violent uprisings and mutinies took place in Germany, creating political crisis. However, a constituent assembly was formed in January 1919 and new constitution promulgated seven months later. In June 1919, the treaty of Versailles was signed, a developed that severely undermined the incumbent government. In the beginning of 1921, German economy experienced high inflation, which developed into hyperinflation in 1923. According to Kershaw (1998:59)) the German currency totally collapsed where 4.2 trillion dollar marks exchanged for one US $ in November 1923. In November 1923, Adolf Hitler’s attempt to take co ntrol of Weimar government and conservative Bavarian state failed, but the Beer Hall Pursch exposed the then obscure politician to publicity (Nicholls, 2000: 69) In 1924, Stresemann became the leader of Weimar government and a period of rapid economic development and political stability that lasted for about six years followed. In 1924 for instance, German currency was reissued and Dawes plan that encouraged huge foreign investment from the United States to German economy and rescheduling of reparation payments was implemented. The collapse of the United States stock market in 1929 triggered a global economic depression and Germany was severely affected (Davidson, 1978:44). This event marked a turning point for the National Socialist Party

Open Source Software Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Open Source Software - Research Paper Example Moreover, one more example includes Amazon .com minimizing information technology expenditures from $71 million to $54 million by replacing their business automation software with open source applications (NAGY, YASSIN and BHATTACHERJEE 148-151). Similarly, sabre holdings were able to save more than $10 billion dollars by deploying MySQL that is an open source database (NAGY, YASSIN and BHATTACHERJEE 148-151). As these open source software are free of cost, organizations started replacing legacy systems with open source products. This trend has forced hardware and software vendors along with proprietary technology vendors to offer value added services associated with open source products. After discussing all these advantages associated with open source software, one question comes in mind i.e. what is the purpose of spending money on proprietary software, and why do some companies do this? The answer is probably because they do not know that an open source meeting all their needs ex ists. For example, an open source enterprise resource planning application for Small medium business can be a cost saving alternative for expensive ERP systems such as SAP and Oracle. Moreover, open source business intelligence and analysis software such as Jasper reports and Pehanto are available today (NAGY, YASSIN and BHATTACHERJEE 148-151). However, the existence of these open source applications does not ensure proficient after sales or maintenance support and their functionality that can be catered by a consultant or advisory service. Likewise, these open source software are volunteered without proper marketing strategies possibly because of their low budget. A comparison between an open source application and MS office is demonstrated in Table 1.1 below: Table 1.1 Source: ("  » Linux Mint "), (Crammond) After discussing benefits for open source software, we will now discuss the barriers for organizations adopting open source software. The first factor is th e knowledge barrier, as discussed before, lack of available support, consultants, customization and lack of business knowledge for aligning the application with business objectives. The second barrier is a lack of integration with the legacy software and hardware. Likewise, Forking is another barrier because open source software is coded by different groups of people and may not integrate with other open source software. Moreover, the technology associated with open source software is immature i.e. not tested nor does it have a successful history. However, in order to overcome these challenges, organizations must train their staff and hire third party support and maintenance services. Moreover, for eliminating integration issues with legacy systems, middleware can be used for supporting integration functions. Furthermore, for addressing forking, self-resolving capabilities with the aid of self-managed standards is required. In addition, to address software immaturity, organizations must follow open source software maturity models and white papers for proper evaluation. Works Cited Crammond, Tony. "Head to Head: Office 2010 vs. Open Office 3.1 | IT PRO Reviews " 13/3/2010 2010. Web. 3/12/2012 . "  » Linux Mint "Web. 3/12/2012

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Principles of Employment Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Principles of Employment Relations - Essay Example c issue discussed by critics - â€Å"A broad survey of academic studies shows that while unions can sometimes achieve benefits for their members, they harm the overall economy.†(Sherk, 2009). In modern times there are number of concept associated with the existence of Union in various parts of the globe. If one analyzes the present scenario, union’s role in the modern world is of labor cartels. â€Å"A labor cartel restricts the number of workers in a company or industry to drive up the remaining workers wages, just as the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) attempts to cut the supply of oil to raise its price.† (Sherk, 2009). To ensure smooth functioning of the companies, top management in various cases agreed upon to pay out high salary to their employees by affecting their overall profit or by increasing the price of their offerings. Economic study finds that a range of activities of the unions might do well to their members but as an issue of concern it constantly harm consumers in general. Not only that, the actions of Union sometimes hampered the job opportunity for the deserving candidate as well. Although there are number of negative point of views about the role played by the unions in the job market, economy and development of the country, there is some positive side as well. In this paper the main objective is to focus on the role played by the union in Australian economy and how the role of the union changes over the duration of time. The Australian Workers Union over the course of time has demonstrated both positive and negative sides of trade unionism. At times unions have bravely opposed to employers and various organizations’ decisions which were against the benefit or the poor workers. As a matter of fact, the Australian union over a long period of time was not interested to get involved into direct bargaining with their employers but was always committed to ensure national wage-fixing practices of Australian industrial

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

English as a Second Language for Adult Immigrants (The Domain is Adult Term Paper

English as a Second Language for Adult Immigrants (The Domain is Adult Education) - Term Paper Example With the increasing number of adult immigrants in the USA and Canada, English language becomes a significant issue for people. Immigrants need to adjust with the foreign cultural environment and with the common language i.e. English. The major dispute concerning the English language within immigrants is that it creates verbal obstructions as well as misinterpretations, and can harm the effective communication within organizations (Charlotte Mecklenburg, 2002). Literature Review According to Burt (2004), knowledge and fluency in English is explicitly connected with financial self-sufficiency. Immigrants who are literate in languages except English are more probable to have temporary work and get less income as compared to those who are well-educated in English and have English as first language. Several surveys on the immigrants’ income in the USA depict that there is positive relations between English learning capabilities and salaries of immigrants. This is one of the major reasons that immigrants want expertise in English language both in speaking as well as in writing. Providing â€Å"English as Second Language (ESL)† lessons to immigrants is a useful method to resolve the English communication problem in the workplace. However, it can be observed that companies are reluctant about providing ESL lessons due to problems with regard to planning, expense, and a sense that providing ESL lessons are not their duty (Burt, 2004). ... ing citizenship, the demand of â€Å"English for Speakers of Other Language† (ESOL) in Canada and the USA is increasing constantly, and it is considered as one of the fastest growing constituents for adult education. The admission for English education is also inclined by the way of â€Å"Immigration Reform and Control Act† (IRCA) in the year 1986. Presently, the population assisted by English learning programs has changed significantly. The immigrant populations of the USA and Canada in present days are much different than past days with respect to size, origin and financial status. According to a Census survey in the year 2000, the number of Hispanic population was more than 58% compared to 1990. In order to fulfill the emerging requirements of English education for the immigrant population, huge numbers of qualified teachers are required. ESOL classes are often organized to accommodate for initial, transitional, and advanced level of expertise. On the basis of resour ces of organizations and requirements of students, different approaches, practices and technologies are used in ESL training. The major objective of ESL programs is to assist adult immigrants in accomplishing competency in English language. Majority of classes are developed on the basis of students’ needs and benefits, for instance, the ESOL classes can be aimed towards adult learners who have arrived in Canada or in the USA, and therefore include survival as well as life skills training in their programs. Other classes may incorporate ESOL guidelines with professional education and family knowledge, as well as citizenship and academic training. The governments always help immigrant learners to obtain necessary skills and knowledge so that they can become active performers in workplace and in society

Monday, September 23, 2019

Media of age group Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Media of age group - Research Paper Example Social media is now more suitable for advertising for age group of 18-24, because young adults spend their time on surfing internet. The site also make easy to promote ads as compare to newspaper through Twitter and Facebook. In future, it can be easy yet powerful way for an organizational to produce and dispense a social newsletter on the fly. Now a day’s journalism is taking a beating during this downswing. Interwoven throughout our daily lives, media intimate their messages into our consciousness at every turn. The power of pro social programming can be so strong, Livingstone ads, that even fierce content when portrayed realistically and in the context of outcomes, it can be beneficial. Websites and Email are far and away should be the highest-priority marketing tactics for small businesses. By a survey younger age group, 92% said websites and social media are among their most important tools, with 85% also putting media in that

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Innocence in Catcher in the Rye Essay Example for Free

Innocence in Catcher in the Rye Essay In JD Salinger’s Catcher in the Rye, Holden Caulfield is a boy aimlessly traveling New York City after being expelled from a classy boarding school. Holden poses a great deal of trepidation when it comes to sexual relationships, especially those of Jane and Sunny. Furthermore, Holden tends to misjudge the maturity of his fellow characters. The combination of this misconception, the tension between sexual trepidation, and an adult life with adult relationships, results in confusion for him. In Holden’s life, there have only been a few people he’s cherished more than his childhood neighbor, Jane Gallagher. They were close childhood friends, and when his roommate Stradlater brings her up years later in high school, all he can talk about is the innocent fun they used to have: playing checkers, watching her dance ballet in the summer heat, and how her Doberman always came into his yard. However, he also reminisces on how her â€Å"boozehound† stepfather would always â€Å"run around the goddam house naked† (42). He suspects that her stepfather had harassed Jane, who â€Å"had [a] terrific figure, and [he] wouldn’t’ve put it past that bastard† (103). This really bothers Holden, as does when Stradlater insinuates that he made sexual advances onto Jane on their date. To Holden, sexual encounters mean an adulteration of innocence, and he hates that Stradlater or Jane’s stepfather may have corrupted Jane. Many times, Holden promises himself that he â€Å"outa go down and say hello to her† (40), or that he should â€Å"give old Jane a buzz† (195), but he never does. Subconsciously, he fears that Jane will have grown up, and calling her or seeing her will surely alter the young, innocent, checkers-playing version of Jane that he has in his mind. This is confusing for Holden because Jane has grown up, yet he still thinks of her as a little girl, not the grown woman that she is. Holden â€Å"knew that she wouldn’t let [Stradlater] get to first base with her, but it drove [him] crazy anyway† (104). This shows Holden’s potential misconception of Jane’s innocence. It is unlikely for a post-teenage young woman to be as sheltered and have as much innocence as she did when she was a little girl. However, this is something Holden cannot grasp. This dilemma is a direct result of Holden’s irrational respect for innocence, influenced by sexual confrontations in Holden’s past. When Holden agrees to have a prostitute come to his room in the hotel, he is soon greeted by Sunny at his door. Holden is immediately unimpressed with Sunny’s maturity; how she was â€Å"jiggling this one foot up and down†, she â€Å"never said thank you†, and she â€Å"had this tiny little wheeny-whiny voice† (123). He also notices that she appears very young, and said things that were really childish. This ends up making him feel â€Å"more depressed than sexy† (123), and he decides not to have sex with her after all. The depiction of this young girl making money as a prostitute seems to upset Holden, and he ultimately concludes that having sex with her would spoil her innocence. This is where Holden is again misguided. Just as it is unlikely for Jane to retain the same degree of innocence through the years, it is improbable that Sunny, being a prostitute, will have not had sex with many people in the past, therefore preserving her innocence. But all Holden can see in Sunny is the childish and immature, which results in a conflicted view of the world. The importance of innocence to Holden is something that results in nervousness towards others’ sexual identity and activity. His perspective of Jane and Sunny’s innocence is also misguided to the point where he sees innocence in them when there is none. Overall, the importance of innocence to Holden results in contention that is less than innocent.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Ludwig Van Beethoven Composer History Essay

Ludwig Van Beethoven Composer History Essay Beethoven has always been one of my favor composers. I have heard a lot about him. I used to go to the opera house in Manhattan each time they had something about Beethoven. I listen to his music from NPR at nights. Unfortunately, I never had a chance to fully research this musician. It is just something about his music that I admire, especially symphony # 5 (Emperor Concerto, 1809). I never knew what it is about, but I know that I like it. It is a privilege to finally have the opportunity to research Beethoven. I like classical music. In fact, this is the reason why I took this class. In this research, I will give a brief illustration about Beethovens life, his works, deafness, sickness, and his death. According to Encyclopedia of the Age of Industry and Empire, 2006, Ludwig van Beethoven was a composer and a musician. He was born in December 16, 1770 in Bonn, Germany. He later died in March 26, 1827 in Vienna, Austria. Beethoven was born in a family that was musician. His grandfather was a musical director at a court in which his father was a singer there. In fact, Beethoven has the same name as his grandfather. Therefore, it was in his genes to be a musician. Consequently, the source stated that his family began to train him to be a court musician as well. Beethoven became a composer not just by his own will but, by following his familys foot step. According to World Eras 2002, (Vol. 9) his parents wanted him to start music lessons at the age of 4. He rejected that idea. World Eras 2002, (Vol. 9) also stated that Beethoven did not have any motivation for music in his early childhood. Nevertheless, he took music classes and proceeded with his duties at the court as his parents had wanted him to. At the court, Beethoven had many duties and responsibilities as he proceeded with his musical professional there. His responsibilities included to play viola in the orchestra and organ in the chapel. For opera performances, his job was to accompany rehearsals and coaches singers. Beethovens passions for music began to develop. As a result, in 1787, Beethoven decided to advance his career. Consequently, he went to Vienna, Austria to study music with Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Within a short period of time of being there, he founded himself in an unpredictable situation. He had been informed that his mother was ill. For that reason, it was essential for him to return to Bonn due to his mothers illness. At the age of seventeen, Beethoven got greater responsibilities then just learning about music. He had to grow-up fast and become an adult. World Eras 2002 stated that after the dead of his mother, his father became an alcoholic. As a result, he had to take care of his two younger brothers. Nevertheless, Beethoven never let any of his obstacles impair him from becoming what he wanted to be in his career. By the age of twenty one, he produced two cantatas, three piano sonatas, and three piano quartets (piano and strings). He was on his way to become the greatest musician and composer of all time. In November 1792, Beethoven left Bonn again and went to Vienna. He stayed there for the rest of his life. In Vienna, he worked as a pianist. He gave piano and composition lessons. He conducted and performed his music at private and public concerts. He sold his composition to publishers in Vienna, Germany, later in England and Paris as well. He also composed on commission too. According to World Eras 2002, by 1795, Beethoven was the world most popular composer and pianist in Vienna. His concerts were very financially successful, which help him to tour other cities in Europe as well. He sold a lot of his pieces to publishers. People were even competing to buy his works. World Eras 2002, confirmed that at one point, Beethoven didnt have to negotiate for prices any more. He just had to say his prices and that was it. People would purchase his music for whatever prices. Beethoven had a passion for what he did. He went behind financial success. His enthusiasm was not just about money. He was obsessed with his music. He was able to compose pieces after pieces. World Eras 2002 stated that Beethoven lived completely for his music. He would produce three to four pieces at the same time. In addition to Beethovens passion for music, he also had an obsession for drinking alcohol. According to the Macmillan Encyclopedia, Beethoven was born in an alcoholic family. His father and his grandmother both died from alcohol. So, for Beethoven, I think drinking alcohol was a genetic behavior for him. In Beethovens later years of life, it is reported that he used to drink very heavily. He used to drink every single day. In fact, the article indicated that Beethoven would drink at least one bottle of wine with his diner. So, the drinking problem started to manifest itself by attacking Beethovens health. Consequently, his doctor advised him to stop drinking or drink in moderation. However, Beethoven never stopped. Therefore, his health was at risk. He started to get sick. Unfortunately, Beethoven health started to be his biggest enemy. He was chronically ill. World Eras 2002 also stated that Beethoven was diagnosed with gastrointestinal disorder, respiratory disorder, headaches, and rheumatism. The worst part of his sickness was becoming deaf. For a musician, I think it is a major obstacle. Ludwig van Beethoven was a determine person even deafness couldnt stop him from what he loves to do. In fact, this is when his music was at its best. Yes, he had to wear hearing aids, but that did not affect him until he got to the point of no return. This is when he went completely death. His hearing never got any better even when he tried home remedies that friends had suggested to him. By the time he conducted his ninth symphony in 1824, he was totally deaf. The obstacle of been deaf and been a conductor was overwhelmed for Beethoven. Nevertheless, he managed to continue his work. The Macmillan Encyclopedia 2003 reported that Beethoven used to place his ear near the piano when he was playing so that he can sense the vibration of different notes. Beethoven hearing problems started when he was 28 years old. Sadly, the problem got worst and left him completely deaf by the age of 44. In the medical field, hearing loss or deafness can be due to several aspects such as loud noise, loud music, and genetic disorder, injury to the ears or the head. However, in Beethovens case, Medical Historians were not certain of how Beethoven became deaf. Some article such at Deafness and Hearing Loss believes that it was due to nerve damages and damages done to the bones in his ears. By the time Beethoven conducted his ninth symphony, he was totally deaf. According to a lot of people, the ninth symphony was one of his greatest successes of work. According to The Macmillan Encyclopedia 2003, His symphony # 9 was a combination of his work from early 1793 and late 1823. He combined these pieces to create a master piece. This master piece took him almost 6 years to finish. During the performance of this symphony, he was never aware of the audiences reaction. In fact, one of his soloists had to make him turn to face the audience so that he can see all the applauses from the audience. The audience was mesmerized by his work. This was in fact Beethovens last piece of work. Beethoven suffered with many illnesses before he died. One of the major medical problems that he had, which was visible to the public eyes was distended abdomen. Abdominal distention is the swollen of the abdomen that make it big and hard. So, Beethoven was eager to seek for help. Consequently, he went to extensive operations to relieve the fluid out. However, none of those operations were successful. On March 24, 1827, Beethoven went into a coma. By March 26, he was death. According to Francois Martin Mai (2008), some believe the cause of his death was due to liver disease. Others believed it was lead poisoning, syphilis, infectious with hepatitis, and the list goes on. According to Beethovens autopsy, which was done by Dr. Johann Wagner on March 27, 1827, it was understood that the composer died of cirrhotic and shrunken liver. According to Medical Surgical Nursing 2013, cirrhotic is a disease of the liver. It is due to chronic reaction to hepatic inflammation and necrosis. The book stated that the most common causes for cirrhosis are hepatitis C, D, alcoholism, and biliary obstruction. Nevertheless, people were still debating that his liver damage was due to heavy drinking of alcohol. Back then, alcohol was believed to be contaminated with heavy metals. However, many researchers today belied that Beethoven died of sarcoidosis. Sarcoidosis is a granulomatous disorder of unknown cause that can affect any organ of the body, Medical-Surgical Nursing 2013. According to Dr. Tom Palferman a rheumatologist and an amateur cellist, who reported in the Sunday Times, this is the cause of Beethovens death. The newspaper stated that Dr. Tom had spent over 10 years researching the cause of Beethovens death before he came-up with this diagnosis. He believes that Beethoven died of sarcoidosis disease, which affected hearing and destroyed the liver. As a nursing student, I do see the correlations between the two factors. However, In Dr.s Tom report, there are no evidences to persuade me enough as of these two are the only final facts. There are several types of sarcoidosis such as pulmonary, occult, verrucous, nodular, and fibroblastic sarcoidosis. He never stated what types of sarcoidosis he found in Beethoven. Moreover, sarcoidosis always has some kind of effect on the lungs. The patient might have minor signs and symptom s such as coughing, but there will be something of that nature due to the lymph nodes that the disease attacks. In fact, any system of the body has the potential to suffer the effect of sarcoidosis. In addition, chemical study of Beethoven hair tends to direct people that he had died of lead poisoning. According to PR newswire October 17, 2000, a group of researchers from Hearth Research Institution conducted a four year research to solve the mystery of Beethovens death. The article stated that the researchers had found high level of concentrated leads in eight strands of Beethovens hair. The American Beethoven enthusiasts purchased Beethovens hair in 1994 through the Sothebys in Lyndon for that purpose. The organization proceeded by hiring a high qualify doctor by the name of Dr. William Walsh for the analyses. Dr Walsh was also the director of the Health Research Institution where the analysis was conducted. The result of this analysis was about to become a huge matter in the history of the cause of Beethovens death. In fact, Dr Walsh decided that a press conference was the best way to announce the results. As he proceeded with the conference, he started by informing the public of the signs and symptoms that Beethoven had prior to his death. According to independent analysis, it is proven that Beethoven death is due to plumbism. Plumbism is another term for lead poisoning. But, the analysis did not believe that lead poisoning was the cause of Beethovens deafness. On the other hand, some believe that lead poison was never a cause of his death. According to the New York Time, May 29, 2010, lead poison experts from Mount Sinai school of Medicine in New York tested Beethovens skull. The skull that they tested happened to be the same piece that has been tested in several occasions. The researcher, Dr. Andrew C. Todd report showed that Beethoven skull had no more lead than in the average persons skull. He stated that Beethoven was not exposed to long-term high level of lead. He concluded that Beethoven did not die of lead poisoning. In fact, Dr. Todd suggested that people should stop looking at lead poisoning as a major factor in Beethovens death. So, the question remains, what really killed Beethoven? Regardless of what killed him, Beethoven remains one of the most famous and influential musician and composers of all time. The role that he plays in music can never be replaced. He still plays a crucial figure in the transition between classical and romantic eras in western art of music today. I like Beethoven because his works represents the symbol of strengths, courage, and power. How can you compose music when you cant hear it? This is the power of faith in him. It was unfortunate that he had to die prematurely. Nevertheless, his works will live for evermore. Beethoven was not perfect. He had faults just like other people. As human beings, this is what we do. Unfortunately, some of us choose the wrong path of life without thinking of the consequences. The reasons why people do those thing sometime is unpredictable. A lot of researchers will continue to predict why Beethoven used to drink heavily, why he did a lot of the things he did. But, no one will never really know the true behind any of those things.